Saturday, August 16, 2014


★| 10 Reasons Why You Should Drink More Water !

Water is very important. In fact, you are up to 60% water, isn't that crazy? The fact that such a big percentage of you is water makes it obvious that you need water to survive. Water is needed for non-painful movement because it lubricates your joints, carrying off waste products in your body, regulating your body temperature, and myriads of more things.

Read this post to find out...
1. Some reasons why you should drink more water 
2. How to drink more water
3. When to drink water

1. Say goodbye to fatigue and hello to energy!
Since your brain is mostly water, drinking it helps you think and focus better. It also boosts your energy levels and puts you in a good mood, because when your body is functioning at its best, you're the happiest.

2. Beautiful skin
Because water helps remove toxins away from your body, your skin will become lighter if you drink a lot of water. It also hydrates your skin, which give it a glow. Oh, and did you know that water is the best anti-aging treatment in the world right now?

3. If you don't drink water, you will simply die. 
A little bit morbid? Sorry, but it's the truth. We can only live up to a week without water and months without food, so water should always be put as the most important thing in your list of important things.

4. Prevents cancer 
Research as shown it and it is logic too, water removes waste products from your body and helps your cells work well.

5. Lose weight
Sometimes when we think we're hungry (Funny how I live in Hungary), we're actually thirsty. So, the next time you feel hungry soon after you have eaten a meal, just go grab a bottle of water (no soda, please) and drink some. If you drink more water every day, a big percentage of your sudden needs for food will disappear and you'll start losing weight in no time.

6. Good for your Kidneys
Kidneys need water to be able to function well, so let's drink an extra cup of water for our kidneys every day.

7. Improves mental and physical performance
Dehydration reduces the brain capacity and decreases muscle performance. So, want to be smarter? Drink water. Want to be a better athlete? Drink water.

8. Helps expel toxins
No one wants toxins in their body, drinking water is proven to help remove them from your body either through sweat or the kidneys. Toxins tend to build up in tissues and organs, water is essential for the removement of them.

9. Heart attack and stroke? CHD?
Drinking water is proven to reduce the risks of getting any of these two because it helps reduce clot formation in your blood vessels, keeps blood pressure in check, and reduce salt levels in your body.

10. You need oxygen
Water helps carry oxygen to your cells that need oxygen to be able to funcion.

11. It is 83% of your blood, 75% of your brain. 
Nuff said. 

7 ways to drink more water
1. Buy a pretty water bottle that is also big
2. Get a water consumption app on your phone, they seriously do help
3. Have a competition with a friend
4. Add fruit into it to make it taste better, don't drink soda though.
5. Drink two cups of water after you wake up
6. Drink a cup of water before every meal.
7. Mix honey with it-- if you like honey.

When to drink water
2 glasses after you wake up
1 glass before every meal (preferably around 20 minutes before)
1 glass before your shower
2 glasses half an hour before bed

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