Monday, August 11, 2014


♛| Budapest Zoo (part 1)

So, last Friday Csilag and I hanged out for a whole afternoon in the wonderful world of animals (in case you don't know yet, I love animals and writing in parentheses.) Since I was quite busy the past few days, I never had time to sort through the myriads of pictures taken during that day and post the pictures I liked. That's why I'm going to post most of them today, several days late. There is a "part 1" in the title because, well, there may or may not be a "part 2" coming some day in the near future.

Isn't this picture just cute? These two lil animals were so freaking cute, I literally stood there and watched them for a while before realizing that I was at the zoo to take pictures. Haha, I love animals and will always do so. 

I almost fainted because of how adorable these sleeping animals were, I wish I had brought my longer lenses because these animals were super far away so I had to crop out lots of boring sand in the pictures to get this. Nevertheless, they are still adorkable

Yay, I love this picture because it was taken in the butterfly section of the zoo and I kind of love the background. Anyways... moving on!

These birds were TINY but super cute, the one on the far right flew in right as I pressed the capture button. 

Butterflies, stunningly beautiful. 

Picture with the wooden tiger 'cause I was born in Tiger year and wooden tigers are way safer than real life ones... 

I LOVE THIS PICTURE! The lizard looks like a philosopher pondering on something, hehe

Peace out with the penguin, or seal. 

Awww, sorry but this is super adorable. Sloths are officially awesome in my opinion, they are always sleeping! 

Do you see what's in my hand? A butterfly! 
Nuff said.

This creature is so unique yet beautiful, from Hawaii or Australia-- forgot. 
I love its coloring, but feel so bad for it too... I mean, it is alone and has to endure humans. Ah well. 


A lizard enjoying the moment. 

Super random picture with an orangutan that you can't really see. 

Awwww, adorable. 

So... that was some pictures to describe my adventure at the Budapest Zoo. More pictures may come if I ever get to it, because so many pictures were taken that Friday afternoon I spent at animal world

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